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From Medals to Mattresses

Enjoy the Olympics Without Sacrificing Sleep

The 2024 Summer Olympics are almost here! From July 26 to August 11, Paris will be the stage for many of the world’s most anticipated sports events. But if you're anywhere in the USA and want to watch the events on TV in real-time, the time difference of 6-9 hours from Paris is bound to throw a wrench in your sleep schedule. Here are some clever hacks to help you enjoy all the Olympic excitement without derailing your sleep routine. 

 Prioritize your faves

Let’s be real: you can’t watch everything, but you can make a viewing plan ahead of time using the official Olympics schedule. Start by making a list of the events you’re most interested in and find the times for those events that would fit best your schedule without creating too much disruption of your normal sleep cycle. You may even want to narrow your list of favorites down to the finals, then utilize streaming services to catch up on the highlights of the other events during your normal waking hours.

Flexible sleep schedule FTW

If you’re absolutely committed to catching that live gymnastics final at 1:00 am, try adjusting your sleep schedule accordingly. You may want to go to bed earlier than normal the night before, or schedule in a midday nap. Just don’t forget to set your alarm!

 It is most important to stay aware of how your viewing habits are affecting your body. If you’re feeling exhausted or stressed, even though you’re enjoying the games, you may want to reassess. Balance your excitement for the events with the reality that the amount and quality of your sleep affects all aspects of your health including the strength of your immune system, your mental and emotional well-being, and your brain function and productivity.

 City of lights out

Even if you aren’t staying up later than normal, binge-watching Olympic events right before bed can make it hard to sleep. Too much screen time and blue light exposure can mess with your body’s natural sleep signals. Try to switch off screens at least 30 minutes before bed and instead, use that time to read a book, meditate, or listen to some relaxing music allowing your mind to slow down and preparing your body to enter the REM stage more quickly.

Sleep like the pros

The Olympics are a time of excitement, and incredible athletic feats. But this doesn’t mean that prioritizing your sleep and health should fall to the wayside. The Olympic athletes themselves know how important it is to take care of their bodies, getting the best sleep possible so that they can perform to the best of their abilities.

By taking a mindful approach to your viewing habits, you can enjoy the thrill of the games without compromising your sleep and overall health. Balance is key—so plan ahead, prioritize rest, and make the most of this spectacular event.